So it's been an entire ten days since I've updated.. but I vowed to blog weekly, and since my last post our weeks changed! Dr. Diamond has finally given us a
real due date.. April 25, 2010! Our last visit showed a growing Baby B, and although we didn't get to hear its heartbeat, we saw it! A little flicker of life! Here's a (blurry) pic of Baby B at 7 weeks 3 days:

"It" is the little peanut looking thing at the top of the black part! Haha. It really does look like a peanut, but unfortunately this week we're only as big as a kidney bean:

While I've still been dealing with pretty much all day waves of nausea, overall we've been okay. Joey and Grandma Lori seem to be getting my heartburn (which is fine with me)! :) And more good news in Burnamville, Cory & Nicole announced last night at dinner that THEY are expecting a baby in May of 2010! Christmas 2010 is going to be CRAZY!
We won't go back to the doctor for 4 weeks (October 14th), and it will be at THAT appointment where we'll actually get to
hear the heartbeat!
All the family has been helping us attempt to get into our house over the weekend.. we should start laying the floor at some point this week, too! We are too anxious to have our own place again.. I can't wait to cook in my own kitchen and fold clothes in my own laundry room! Haha. Grandma & Grandpa have really been great, though. Actually, I have no excuses anymore.. I bought a new digital camera and I promise, promise, PROMISE to take pictures of our progress tonight! :)
Well, I'm about to shut this office down and hit the road to get my baby boy and head home... until next week....