Tuesday (4/13/10) - Tuesday morning I had a doctor's appointment (which I was hoping would be my last). At 38 weeks and 2 days pregnant, I knew at this appointment Dr. Diamond was going to check my progress and see if I had dilated any. Much to our surprise, I was almost 3CMs! Also, when he checked me, he stripped my membranes (something I'd only heard of) and it kind of freaked me out a bit. Dr. D told me to go home, pack, and walk, and that he thought we'd see some kind of action in the next 24 hours. We notified our mothers (who live the farthest away) and the rest of our family members... Aidan and I came home... I cleaned the kitchen, we walked for a little over an hour... and while I was waiting to see/feel some kind of change all I got was a big fat nothing. Nada. No contractions (that I could feel.. or so I thought) and as far as I knew my water hadn't broken. Joey put the bags in the car (just in case) but I really felt no different. So, a little discouraged, I went to bed.
Wednesday (4/14/10) - After being up all night with constant pressure in my hip bones, back pain, indegestion of the worst kind, peeing, and several other gross things I'll leave to your imagination.... I told Joey when he got up and was leaving for work that I was going to call the doctor as soon as the office opened and just ask what I should do. I still didn't feel any different (all the thing I listed above were pretty much normal at that point) but something inside me told me I should just call. So, I did.. about 8:30. I talked to the nurse and told her what was going on but that I wasn't having any contractions so I didn't know if I should take the way I was feeling seriously. She told me to just come in and they would check my progress again. So, Aidan and I ate some breakfast, got dressed, and headed to town to meet Joey.
We waiting at the doctor's office for a while (it was packed when we got there) and finally they sent us to a room. Meg (the PA) came in to check me, and she said I was close to 4CMs. They talked to Dr. D and he decided to put me on a monitor to check and see if I was having regular contractions. Joey, Aidan and I went back to the VIP section of the doctor's office (we say this because there are two recliners and a flatscreen TV, lol) where they hooked me up. We watched Winnie the Pooh and after about an hour on the monitor the nurse came in and took the papers to show Dr. Diamond. While she was gone I told Joey that I would just go to WalMart and walk around... he said he was going to the office to eat his lunch... and then, *KNOCK KNOCK* - she opened the door.
"Well, Dr. Diamond wants to go ahead and admit you, so I'm going to go get the paperwork ready if that's okay."
I bet the looks on our faces were priceless. We had no idea. Then the shock and awe set in. Then we frantically started calling everyone. I was mad that I hadn't packed my laptop (LOL). We were trying to figure out where Aidan was going to go. What Joey was going to do about work. How my mom was going to get here (she's without a car at the moment). When his mom was going to leave Savannah. Gosh, there are a ton of things you don't think about until it really is time.
Wednesday (LUNCH) - We drove over to the hospital to wait for Grandma Lori to come pick Aidan up. After we said our goodbyes we took our bags to admissions, where they already had my paperwork ready. We waited for the wheelchair to come pick me up, and they rolled me to Labor & Delivery Room 1. We got in and got situated, and the nurses hooked me up to monitors and the IVs. We were told that Dr. Diamond was going to come over and check me out (again) and possibly break my water, but we figured it would be later in the afternoon or after his office closed. Nope. About 1:30ish he came over and broke my water. They started me on Pitocin shortly after, and the contractions got much stronger and much, MUCH closer together. My nurse (Debra.. who was absolutely FABULOUS and I owe her many thanks) told me her shift ended at 7 and I needed to get a move on. Lol. Waiting... contractions got stronger... people were coming to visit in and out, but I tried to zone everything out and just focus on getting from one contraction to another. They kept asking if I wanted an epidural, but I was scared (based on my experience with Aidan) that it would slow my labor down, so I toughed it out as long as I possibly could. To the best of my knowledge I asked for it sometime after 4-- I had to sign some things and wait for the anesthesiologist to get there, and in the process the contractions were really strong. I think I finally got it around 4:30-45... and at first it didn't work. Finally, the anesthesiologist brought in something to speed up the process, and sometime after five (I think about 5:15-30) I was FABULOUS. No pain whatsoever, and I felt wonderful. Debra (the nurse) then decided since my pain was managed that she was going to check and see how far I'd progressed. It was just me and Joey in the room (mom and Autumn had walked to the car) and we were honestly expecting to be 6-7 CMs at most. Worried that it'd slow my labor, we were prepared for the worst. Debra checked me, and I was totally and completely DILATED. 10 CMs +1 (the +1 is the position of the baby's head, which Alivia's was already IN THE BIRTH CANAL). She told me NOT to push, AT ALL.. because she didn't want to catch a baby. Haha. The nurses called the doctor.. and we waited. Mom got back, I tried to tell her I was still 4 CMs to freak her out, but it didn't work.. I couldn't fake being disappointed. I was too excited! We waited for Dr. D, who we finally learned was in the sleep room watching Snapped on TV, lol) to get there, and he did at around 5:56. They told me to push, and about 2 1/2 pushes later (at precisely 5:58PM... I know, because I called the time myself.. lol) Alivia Grace was here. The first thing I noticed was her hair. HOLY COW! I hadn't really had any heartburn whatsoever, so I was in complete and total shock that she had a head full of dark locks! And to think, I was worried about being able to put a bow on a bald head. Lol. Anyways, so Alivia was born.. we all joked and laughed and I was relieved. I couldn't believe how easy it had been. They took her to clean her up- or more like wipe her off- and then handed her back to us immediately. We wanted Ansleigh and Aidan to meet her before anyone else, so they came in first. They both were very excited (and still are) and I can't believe how good they've been with her so far. Then the rush of the crowd came in... everyone congratulating us and asking how it was for me. Overall, it was a fabulous experience and I am so happy I was able to enjoy the entire process.
Having Alivia has really changed my perspective on life (again). I now look at my husband with a fresh pair of eyes- it's amazing that this little girl we created has made life absolutely perfect. We now are a party of five; before we were missing a piece but didn't know it. Now she's here, and the puzzle is complete. I am truly blessed.