
Back To Reality

Becoming a mother changed my perspective on life. It's definitely made me less selfish, and more paranoid. I worry all the time, and I now understand why every time Granny heard an ambulance she would call and ask if we were okay. Too often do we get bogged down in the "routine" of every day life: waking up, kids to school, go to work, get home, sleep, do it all over again. Why does it take a tragedy to bring us back to reality? Life is short, and we should act like it.
  • Get right with God.
  • Never take life for granted.
  • Live each day to its fullest.
  • Those stupid arguments? Don't even start them.
  • Those unsaid "I love you's?" Say them.
You just never know which day is going to be your last. Death is a part of life and we all know that - but we never realize just how quickly someone can be taken from this world. We may never know why, but you CAN live without regrets and you CAN find comfort that you will see your loved ones again someday.

On Saturday morning, "A beautiful little boy lost his father, parents lost a son, siblings lost a brother, a sweet baby girl lost her uncle, many lost a great friend, the world lost a wonderful person, and Heaven gained one." There are so many heavy hearts, Kaine. Mine is one of them.