So for the first time in what seems like a million years, JB & I got to go on a date!

A "mystery" date, that is! Poor thing, even though he tried to surprise me, it just didn't work that way. As it turned out, I just know him too well - I figured out what we were doing and where we were going
way before we got there... even still, it was a great date! For starters, we went to a nursery. No, not
that kind of nursery (we have enough children as it is). We went to a plant place to look at trees/shrubs/flowers that might someday occupy our yard once we're rich and famous. Okay.. maybe just rich.
Next up was to Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse.. you know, the one where they cook in front of you. Even though we had the most boring chef EVER it was still great food (Side note: The poor lady next to us.. she looked SO miserable. The guy she was with just wouldn't shut up - she even rolled her eyes AT US a few times. I think she was just in it for the free meal and saki (sp?).

After dinner (and a quick one at that) we headed on over to the movie theater to watch the sexiest man ever... ahem.. I mean, Limitless, starring Bradley Cooper. What an interesting movie. I saw Bradley Cooper go from homeless to The Hangover to Wedding Crashers in less than two hours, and even though he wasn't naked in it (which could have been worked into the script someway I'm sure) I thought it was pretty good. Kind of like an adrenaline rush, or a crazy acid trip (at least what I would imagine one would be like).
After a short drive back home and thanks to our wonderful babysitting Jamie, it was lights out to a perfect evening, complete with a "Supermoon" that only happens like once every 18 years... or something like that.
Anyways, a fabulous end to a fabulous evening (I'm really loving that word right now)!
Here's to the next date...
because it (like the Supermoon) probably won't happen for another 18 years!
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