Today has been extremely uneventful.. but I will say this: I AM SO PROUD OF MY HUSBAND! :)
Joey has decided to go back to school to get his Commercial Driver's License (CDL)... which could potentially (and hopefully will) land him a better paying job one day! The course is 10 weeks long, and after that he will have his license! I am so excited for him.. and he is so excited too, so it makes me excited to see him that excited. Haha. Next on the list will be me!
I went today to DFCS for our insurance review and all, and guess what? More bad news. Joey and I make too much money to qualify for Medicaid (with me working), so now we've applied for Peach State and I really hope that comes through. It was a low blow when they said my babies wouldn't have insurance since we make too much.. but if I added Aidan to my policy (after it starts in July) I WOULD BE paying my company about $300 a month to work here (and I wouldn't get a check AT ALL because it would all go to child care & insurance). The economy is SCREWED these days, boys and girls. It really makes me wonder.
If you haven't heard (which I'm sure you haven't, because I haven't told anyone) then I am potentially the new co-host with Matt's morning show! We met for lunch one day when we were in talks about me managing the MySpace page for the station, and he LOVED me and told me my personality would be perfect for the show! I am super duper excited. I called my mom and told her about it and she actually supported it and sounded happy about it (and told me I'd be good at it, too) so that makes it even better.
We'll see what comes of it tomorrow.. but waking up that early is going to give me a VERY long day tomorrow!
I wish I lived near you so I could have heard the show! I bet it was great!!!! Wish you the best!