The husband and I celebrated our very first wedding anniversary on New Year's Eve, and while it was uneventful (due to the fact that we can't really afford anything but each other's company right now), we were kid-free for the weekend and that's probably one of the best gifts we could have received. Thanks Grandbon. :)
So after a long break from work for the holidays, we returned bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (yeah.. right!) on Monday morning, and we were unaware that my husband would be losing his job on the first working day of the new year. You always hear people talking about being laid off, or business being slow, but until it happens to you or your family I don't really think you can understand the heartbreak. It's just a different kind. I know it's especially hard for Joey, because I see what a hard worker he is. He really and truly puts 150% into any and everything that he does. Today was his last day of work, and as he headed off this morning I truly wished I could take his place. I know that our family will be okay. Financially, we might struggle for a while, but God will take care of us. I just wish that my husband.. my best friend.. didn't feel like a failure.
While Joey has been avidly applying for positions any and every where, another quarter in school has begun for me. We did receive a blessing yesterday, though, when I went to buy my books. It truly does pay to be a good student! I went to check on my financial aid (to make sure I could even buy my books) and I had over $1000 to spend! Hallelujah! My books ended up only being a little over $300, so we will receive a check for over seven HUNDRED dollars in about a month! To God be the GLORY! I was so excited. I still am. It was my reassurance that He is going to take care of us.
In pregnancy news, I got to hear Alivia's heartbeat yesterday. What sweet music to my ears. Dr. Diamond did warn me of the complications of having a breach baby (in the 20 week ultrasound she was in that position). He said that at my 4D ultrasound (on the 28th of this month) we should get a heads up as to if she's going to get into the "head down" position (no pun intended!), and if she hasn't turned by the time of my 35 week ultrasound (the week after St. Patrick's Day) then we'll have to discuss our options. While some people would freak out at this news, I'm not. As long as she gets here safe & sound (and healthy) then I will be happy. I don't care if they have to cut me, and there's no sense in worrying myself to death over it until March.
This week our little princess is about as big as........

But in real time.. 24 1/2 weeks..
Until next time, please keep our little (growing) family in your thoughts and prayers, because we sure need all of them that we can get. I pray that my husband's work ethic and drive is recognized by someone (an employer) who will treat him fairly and compensate him for the job he does. Until he finds this job I pray that we stay strong for each other through the challenges financially that we may face. Amen.
- From the Burnams, with love.
Praying for you all!