

This is for you.

I think it's time you should face reality and stop running from your problems. Joining the Air Force won't help you do that. Seriously. the fact that you've known since SEPTEMBER and still haven't told your parents amazes me. Get over yourself. You know.. I can't believe you actually had the audacity to tell me that you're "not at a point in your life to be a father." Well.. do you think for one second that I made this decision on my own? No. HELL no. It takes two to tango.. and two to make babies. Yes, I realize that we weren't in a serious relationship. Yes, I realize we only had sex ONCE. I'm not sorry that it happened, honestly. I have the biggest blessing I could ever ask for coming my way. I feel sorry for YOU. YOU act like you've got everything together, when really you're scared to death. Well, don't you think I am, too? I've begged and begged. I've told you. I don't want your money. I don't want your pity. I just want this child to have a father, because I didn't. I'm sure I can "find some guy willing to claim it," but you know what? I'm OKAY with going through this on my own. I am. Really. It's not ME that you're cheating, in the end. I've given you plenty of opportunities. Plenty of times, I've said "I just want you to be there." NO, I don't want to be with you. Honestly, I think you're a LUNATIC.... but this is OUR child. Yes, ours. Deal with it.

So, good luck with your new girlfriend. Good look with your endeavors. Good riddance.