
Good news...

So about six o'clock yesterday we got the greatest news ever.....
We are going to be homeowners! Woooooooohoooo!


Big things are happening...

I can feel it! :)

So we *should* hear news by about lunch today on whether or not our bid has been accepted by Vanderbilt Mortgage on this mobile home we found in Tifton on Monday. It has been repossessed, but it has SUPER potential... that is, once we replace the carpet and paint. ;) It has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, den (playroom), dining area, and utility room! I am so excited.. I don't want to get my hopes up but I have a good feeling! I feel it in my bones! Regardless of if we get the house or not, though, we have begun packing our stuff up and there's no light way to put it.. it SUCKS! This time we're doing it the right way, though.. packing up boxes and labeling them with the room they go in! We're going to temporarily move into Joey's dad & Lori's house (and ours would go right behind theirs.. the land is BEAUTIFUL by the way!) until we hear something about the house. Now, if we DO get it we have TONS to do.. we've been talking to the bank, we've got to get some permits, clear some land, etc.

Onto a different topic, though.. I've been working with SHINE 101.9FM in the mornings (from 7-8:45 for now) doing the morning show with Matt and the Morning Mayhem.. and I am really loving it! :) Despite some controversy (which I think we have worked out now) it is proving to be something I'm really interested in! I'm becoming more & more recognized (when I call people and tell them my name) which is absolutely FINE with me, because I am proud of what I'm doing! I'm proud of SHINE 101.9 and all the changes that are being made (for the better).

EXCITING news... We're are thinking about trying to have a baby! :) On Monday I go to the doctor to have my Mirena removed. Based on what happens with the house I guess will really determine our final decision, but so far we are so excited! We're not going to try, but we're not going to not try. Haha. Although Joey and I already have two children, biologically we don't have a child of our own and we are ready for one!

Anyways... thought I'd update since I haven't been on in a while. That's a lot of news in one post.. but BIG THINGS ARE HAPPENING!


Patiently waiting...

...on sister to finish using the bathroom at Wal-Mart!

The best is yet to come...

What an exciting week the last week has been!

I've been working at the radio station in the mornings (recording commercials & co-hosting) and at my finance job all day every day.. and it has begun to wear on me! I'm actually in talks with the radio station about going full-time.. but only time will tell! I've been spending a lot of time praying on what is best for us, and I know that everything will work itself out the way it's supposed to!

Joey and I have planned a road trip all through middle Georgia this weekend looking for repossessed mobiles homes... and I hope and pray we find something we like and can afford! We're planning now to move to Nicholls (on Joey's land behind his daddy's house) and then potentially build in the next few years.

Also, more exciting news.. WE'RE GOING ON A DATE TONIGHT! Haha. Grandbon, Mark, and Uncle Flynt are meeting us in Tifton to pick up Aidan, and then we're going to a movie for the first time since FEBRUARY! Wow. Once you become a parent you learn to appreciate the dinners with no one screaming and movie theaters with sticky floors!

Well, I must get to work.. the house hunting is going to be fun this weekend; I hope and pray we find the (temporary) home of our dreams! Haha. Please say a prayer for us.

Have a good weekend all!


TGIF... Today God Is First!

So I'm getting ready to leave the office after a VERY long week! There are updates on the radio station that will have to wait until later, but let's just say it's GOOD NEWS! :)

Tonight we have our VBS Boomerang Express program tonight at Crossroads.. I am super excited! I'm going to use the video camera (which I should have been doing a long time ago) and take a ton of pics (which I hope to spruce up my blog a little more soon when I get the chance).

Autumn & I are going to have a yard sale in the morning to try and make a little extra cash... so it's proving to be a long weekend already, and it hasn't even started yet!

Hopefully next week I'll be able to take a break and catch you up.. but until next time:

"The key to life is wanting what you have, not having what you want."


A little less than boring..

Today has been extremely uneventful.. but I will say this: I AM SO PROUD OF MY HUSBAND! :)
Joey has decided to go back to school to get his Commercial Driver's License (CDL)... which could potentially (and hopefully will) land him a better paying job one day! The course is 10 weeks long, and after that he will have his license! I am so excited for him.. and he is so excited too, so it makes me excited to see him that excited. Haha. Next on the list will be me!

I went today to DFCS for our insurance review and all, and guess what? More bad news. Joey and I make too much money to qualify for Medicaid (with me working), so now we've applied for Peach State and I really hope that comes through. It was a low blow when they said my babies wouldn't have insurance since we make too much.. but if I added Aidan to my policy (after it starts in July) I WOULD BE paying my company about $300 a month to work here (and I wouldn't get a check AT ALL because it would all go to child care & insurance). The economy is SCREWED these days, boys and girls. It really makes me wonder.

If you haven't heard (which I'm sure you haven't, because I haven't told anyone) then I am potentially the new co-host with Matt's morning show! We met for lunch one day when we were in talks about me managing the MySpace page for the station, and he LOVED me and told me my personality would be perfect for the show! I am super duper excited. I called my mom and told her about it and she actually supported it and sounded happy about it (and told me I'd be good at it, too) so that makes it even better.

We'll see what comes of it tomorrow.. but waking up that early is going to give me a VERY long day tomorrow!


Easier said than done..

So it's been a few days.. but I haven't forgotten! I have been so unbelievably busy (as if being a working mother/wife wasn't enough) since I last wrote!

Vacation Bible School started last night at Crossroads Baptist Church, and Joey & I are in charge of three amazing 5-year-olds! They were great, but unfortunately that leaves me NO free time.

After an emergency ink cartridge incident at work (just now) I have decided to take a moment and relax my mind and de-stress! So here goes...

Since I last wrote we have been slapped in the face with a one year lease (and subsequently a $1300 deposit/first month's payment if we choose to sign it).. and since I just wrote a check last week for $1250 (to the owners of the house that was supposed to be OURS) for RENT I am not too happy about it. Actually, I'm pretty pissed. They are obviously just trying to get us out of the house (which is working), and now I wish I hadn't paid them ANYTHING and that we had just moved out last week.

So on top of being stressed out to the max with our housing situation, we are now stressed financially because that last $1250 took away what little "nest egg" we had, and we are back to living paycheck to paycheck. Great.

This morning I also got more bad news. The loan people called and said that there is basically no way we will be approved for a loan because I don't make enough money to be solely responsible for the payment (on paper), and Joey's credit sucks so he can't be on it with me... and I quote, "Mrs. Burnam, I just wanted to call you and tell you not to get your hopes up."


I've heard so many times lately:
"Everything happens for a reason."
"When God closes one door, two more open."
"Things will work themselves out."

We all know these things are true, but it's so much easier to believe them when you're not in the middle of the storm. Joey and I have decided to pack all our stuff up (everything except the bare necessities, anyway), move in with his dad & Lori temporarily, try to get his credit straightened out over the next few months, and maybe eventually something good will happen for us.

Yes, my husband and I (and our two children, two dogs, and cat) are going to move back in with the parents. Nothing against them, but this SUCKS!!!!

I guess our miracle isn't happening anytime soon. I'm trying desperately to just give it all up to Him and let Him worry about it for me... but it's just so hard. It would be different if we didn't have children. If we weren't married. Maybe then I wouldn't have such a hard time with it.. but when you have a family and you can't even provide a roof for their heads, it really is a huge blow to the ego. After being on my own so long it's extremely hard to ask for help, too.. but I'm not above it. I know that everything will be okay, and who knows.. maybe in a year (or five) Joey and I will be able to build our dream home. I'm sick of throwing my kids around from place to place. They need stability. They need their own rooms, and I wanna decorate them. I want to paint the walls how I want. Decorate how I want. Maybe it sounds selfish.. but I want us to have a HOME, not just live in some house.

That's what I'm hoping for anyway.


Everyone else is doing it!

So, I have decided to start a blog. (I know at least one person who will be excited by this!)

Q: Why am I starting a blog?
A: Because I need a stress reliever, and I have no other time away from this office or this desk.

Q: Am I going to commit to writing everyday?
A: No.. but I think it would help me (mentally at least) if I tried to.

Let's get to posting!

I am ending an 11 hour workday. I cannot WAIT to get home to my wonderful husband, and two rambunctious (but oh so adorable) children. We are in the process of potentially buying a house, which has me so frazzled I can barely think at times. More on that later, though.

Yesterday we submitted our prelimenary application for a loan with Rural Development (and thank God I can spell that word better than I can pronounce it). Tomorrow we will submit our second application, which will (and I pray) be accepted! Basically, we were going to buy this house so we moved in in March... June rolls around, we go to sign the papers and guess what? ALL the terms that we had been told from the get-go (i.e. interest rate, purchase price, etc.) had been changed, and not in our favor. Since we didn't agree to those terms WE were made out to be liars and horrible people by the "businessman" who was handling the sale for the owners. Now they have decided NOT to sell us this house (or at least do owner financing for us) and since Joey and I do not have two solid years' worth of W2s then no bank will finance us. Our last option was to go to RD, and I pray we hear good news from them. Please keep us in your cyber-prayers, cyberworld.. we could really use it!

My best friend has a blog (http://babymorrisinprogress.blogspot.com/)... my dad has a blog Maybe post #2 will be more eventful.. but for now it's goodnight...