
Almost the 2nd trimester? No way!

We are now 12 1/2 wonderful weeks into our pregnancy, and little Baby Burnam has a heartbeat that we officially HEARD yesterday! What a glorious feeling, to know that there is LIFE inside of you. As soon as Dr. Diamond found our stubborn little one's heartbeat, the look on my husband's face was absolutely priceless. See, to me (and I'm sure any other mother) a heartbeat is a precious thing. Children are made out of nothing but love, but as I've expressed before, this pregnancy is totally different than my last with Aidan. To have my husband beside me at every visit means a lot. To see the love, joy, and excitement in his eyes as soon as Dr. Diamond said "There it is!" just makes me very emotional. Unfortunately these days a lot of things make me emotional, but this feeling is warranted.

Since the earlier weeks I've been doing pretty well, with only a few spells of the pregnancy sickness. The nurse told me yesterday I've only gained 3 pounds since I've been pregnant.. so that made me feel a little more comfortable. I can already feel my body changing though.. it's almost like it isn't yours anymore, but that's just fine by me. Our baby is a roommate I'll be glad to share with. :)

From crown to rump, our baby-to-be is just over 2 inches long and weighs half an ounce.. the size of a...........................