
dream come true

i'm a new mother.

i'm not going to lie: labor was difficult for me. i had a few minor complications, but i did it! and aidan was born beautiful and perfect. initially i hadn't wanted anyone in the delivery room with me... but at the last minute i realized that i honestly didn't think i could do it by myself. with the help of some amazing nurses and my doctor... my mom and joey (i love you both so much)... we did it.

we were discharged from the hospital at midnight on sunday (may 11th).. talk about an amazing first mother's day! since we've been home, aidan has been the BEST baby... and i'm not just saying that because he's mine. he is so unbelievably sweet-- not to mention he's absolutely gorgeous! i have two absolutely amazing men in my life.. one is my future husband and one is my son. i could not imagine life without either one of them.

it's kind of funny how everything works out in life, huh? when i first found out i was pregnant, i never would've imagined that i would be where i am today. the past 6 months (and the 4 before that) have been absolutely amazing. i fell in love with myself first, and finally accepted the fact that i would be okay by myself.. and then God sent this amazing man to love me and my son, and he does an amazing job. he's the best father.. my best friend.. and honestly, my dream come true.

i guess i'm writing this for someone... i don't know who you are.. but i just want everyone to know that no matter how rough it gets, stay strong in your faith and believe in yourself. you'll come out on top, always.